12:15 PM12:15

Spring Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt

Mark your calendar for our spring picnic and Easter egg hunt on Sunday, March 30th, from 12:15 pm - 2 pm (weather permitting). Pack a picnic (or pick up lunch on the way) for our church-wide fellowship event at the Sims Farm. Be sure to bring a blanket or chairs for seating.

Parents: Please bring a dozen eggs (filled with small prizes or nut-free candy) for each child who will participate in the egg hunt. Parents will hide eggs during lunch before the egg hunt starts at 1:30 pm.

Parking: Please park in the grass along the front pasture. Try to park perpendicular to the fence line/road to allow more cars to be able to park. There is a short walking distance from the road (approximately a football field), so a few cars can park at the house, but there is extremely limited space to turn around in the driveway.

Weather: We will keep an eye on the forecast throughout that weekend. If rainy conditions are expected that afternoon, we will send out a church-wide email notifying everyone of the cancelation by 9 am on March 30th.

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12:00 PM12:00

Information Meeting for Adult Mission Trip to Guatemala

Pastor Russ will lead an adult mission trip to San Juan, Guatemala, to serve our ministry partner, Impacto. We will serve impoverished children and widows and take part in a building project for the ministry center. The trip dates are January 27th - February 1st, 2026. If interested, please plan to attend a meeting in the Student Chapel on Sunday, April 27th, after the 11 am service.

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11:00 AM11:00

May Fellowship Event

We will have a time of fellowship and a sweet treat from King of Pops on the front patio and courtyard area from 12 - 1 pm on Sunday, May 4th.

If you frequent the 9:15 am service, you are more than welcome to go grab brunch and then return around noon. We hope to see everyone there!

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11:00 AM11:00

5th Grade Blessing

Parents of Graduating 5th Graders: In 2022, our staff implemented a family discipleship plan for Redeemer's families with children. Family discipleship is about parents and children growing in the grace of God by living more deeply in the great wealth of our beloved identity in Jesus Christ. The plan will help families understand how to best use time, use moments, and celebrate milestones as a child grows and develops. You can read more about it by clicking here.

We recognize graduating from elementary school as a milestone in the lives of our children and want to celebrate these kiddos! On Sunday, May 4th, we will host a 5th Grade Blessing during each service time. If you would like for your child to participate in this special service, please email Annie by April 28th.

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to Aug 24

Silent Retreat

Come on a Silent Retreat! “My beloved speaks and says to me: “Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away” (Song of Solomon 2:10). Redeemer is offering our second silent retreat this August, with both a three- (Aug 22-24) and a five-day option (Aug 20-24). Though it can seem intimidating, a silent retreat can be incredibly refreshing and restorative. It is a time set aside to hear from the one who loves us and gave himself for us. Space is limited, so contact Pastor Matt for more information and to reserve your spot!

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5:00 PM17:00

Membership Class

We will host two Membership Classes this semester. The first will be Sunday, March 2nd, from 5 - 7 pm. The second option will be Sunday, March 16th, from 5 - 7 pm. You only need to attend one class.

The Membership Class is our required introductory class for those prayerfully considering church membership. To learn more about membership, please visit our websitePlease RSVP by clicking this link. You will be sent the required reading material after you RSVP. Please RSVP by February 25th so we have time to print the reading material for all attendees.

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9:00 AM09:00

Redeemer Women's Morning Retreat

We are excited to invite all ladies to a special morning of praise, study, and community at our Redeemer Women's Morning RetreatTrusting God in the Darkness! This will be a meaningful time to connect with one another, hear powerful testimonies, and a teaching from God's word.

Event Details:
Date: March 8th, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (coffee bar will open at 8:30 am)
Location: Christ the Redeemer
Attire: Casual and comfortable
Cost: $30 per person (Scholarships available upon request - please email

What to Expect:

  • Guest Speaker: Jeanine Dungan. Jeanine is a Christian Counselor serving at The Church of the Apostles. She holds a Master’s Degree in Nursing from Houston Baptist University and a Master of Arts in Counseling Ministry from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. We are thrilled to have her share her wisdom and insight with us!

  • Panel Discussion: Hear from our own Redeemer women as they openly share about the faithfulness of God during difficult seasons of life.

A morning coffee bar and lunch provided by Good Kitchen + Market will be included. Please note that childcare will not be provided. Please email with any questions about this event.

Sign-ups are now closed.

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6:00 PM18:00

Ash Wednesday Service

Redeemer will have its first Ash Wednesday service in the Student Chapel on March 5th at 6:00 p.m.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a period of forty days (not including Sundays) leading up to Easter. Similar to Advent, Lent is a time of preparation and reflection. During Lent, we focus on repentance and our need for Jesus' death and resurrection. The service will include music fitting the season, a brief homily, and the imposition of ashes. No childcare will be available during this service but kids are welcome in the service. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Matt.

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5:00 PM17:00

Membership Class

We will host two Membership Classes this semester. The first will be Sunday, March 2nd, from 5 - 7 pm. The second option will be Sunday, March 16th, from 5 - 7 pm. You only need to attend one class.

The Membership Class is our required introductory class for those prayerfully considering church membership. To learn more about membership, please visit our websitePlease RSVP by clicking this link. You will be sent the required reading material after you RSVP. Please RSVP by February 25th so we have time to print the reading material for all attendees.

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5:00 PM17:00


Mix45 will meet at Adventure Air on Wednesday, February 26th, from 5 - 6:30 pm. Mix45 is a quarterly fellowship for 4th and 5th graders to be together in a fun and exciting environment allowing them to begin to transition out of Redeemer Kids, get to know our student pastor, and meet a handful of older students in Redeemer Students. Sign up at this link.

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6:30 PM18:30

Redeemer Men's Gathering

In an ongoing effort to connect with the amazing men of our church, the Men of Redeemer will be gathering on Thursday, March 20th, at 6:30 pm at the church. We will enjoy food, fellowship, and a powerful message from Matt Armstrong about men's role in church and leading our families. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, strengthen your faith, and walk alongside other men pursuing God’s purpose.

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to Feb 23

Children's Easter Choir Sign Up

  • Google Calendar ICS

We were overjoyed to see so many of Redeemer's children participate in the Christmas pageant. We would love to offer another opportunity for children in Pre-K through 5th Grade to sing in the Children's Easter choir on Palm Sunday!  Please sign up using this link by Sunday, February 23rd, if you know your children can attend all practices at 9:15 am during the month of March, the final rehearsal, and both performances (9:15 and 11 am on 4/13). We’re looking forward to marking this Holy day with worship, and hope your child(ren) will join us! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

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9:00 AM09:00

Baby Baptism / Dedication Chat

If you are interested in having your baby baptized or dedicated, please plan to attend a 10-15-minute meeting with Pastor Russ in the Student Chapel after either service ends on February 2nd. This time will allow Russ and the families who want to participate to get to know each other better. Russ will also explain how we define and differentiate between baptism and dedication at Redeemer. You must attend this meeting if you plan to baptize or dedicate your child. No need to RSVP. Please bring your children with you to the meeting. You can also read this article on our website if you have any questions about baptism at Redeemer.

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2:30 PM14:30

Baby Baptism & Dedication Chat

If you are interested in having your baby baptized or dedicated, please plan to attend a 10-15-minute meeting with Russ in Suite 830 after either service ends on January 12th. This time will allow Russ and the families who want to participate to get to know each other better. Russ will also explain how we define and differentiate between baptism and dedication at Redeemer. You must attend this meeting if you plan to baptize or dedicate your child. (Another meeting will be offered on February 2nd.) No need to RSVP. Please bring your children with you to the meeting. You can also read this article on our website if you have any questions about baptism at Redeemer.

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11:00 AM11:00

January 12th - 11am Service Only Due to Winter Weather

Due to wintry weather, icy roads, and parking lot conditions, we will host only our 11 am worship service on Sunday, January 12th. The children’s ministry will be closed, and all classes and gatherings before 11 am will be canceled. 

If you choose to worship with us in person tomorrow morning, please be careful walking through the parking lot, as there will likely still be some icy sections. The service will be streamed online at

The student ministry will still meet Sunday evening from 5 - 7 pm. 

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12:30 PM12:30

Christmas Eve at Redeemer: Celebrating the Birth of Jesus

Join us Tuesday, December 24th to celebrate Christmas Eve with a candlelight service. We will have services at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm.

Childcare will be provided for Babies through Pre-K at the 3 and 4:30pm services. Drop-off will be available 30 minutes before each service begins*. No childcare will be provided at the 6pm service.

*Due to babysitter availability, the number of age groups available are subject to change. Any changes will be communicated on Instagram and on our calendar page.

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11:00 AM11:00

Sunday, December 22nd Childcare

On Sunday, December 22nd, childcare will only be available for Babies through 3rd Grade. Drop-off will be available 15 minutes before each service begins*.

*Due to babysitter availability, the number of age groups available are subject to change. Any changes will be communicated on Instagram and on our calendar page.

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4:30 PM16:30

Address Updates for Tax Purposes

2025 is right around the corner! To avoid delays in receiving your tax deduction info, please take a moment to update any changes in your mailing address that have occurred in 2024. Please update your profile in SecureGive before December 10th. If you give via paper check with an out-of-date address, please email us ( with your updated address to pass along to our accountants.

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12:30 PM12:30

Redeemer Women's Advent Brunch

The Women of Redeemer are invited to an Advent Brunch on Sunday, December 8th, at 12:30 pm. We will gather at The Crossings at Burnt Hickory Clubhouse (961 Burnt Hickory Circle NW, Marietta, GA 30064).  We will have a catered brunch and a program. The deadline to register passed on December 3rd. No childcare will be provided. Please email if you have any questions.

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9:00 AM09:00

Congregational Meeting

Our ten-minute annual congregation meeting will take place during each service on Sunday, December 8th. We will review the updated yearly financials and vote on the new elder nominees for confirmation. While all are welcome to attend, only members will vote.

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11:00 AM11:00

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child: We are partnering with Operation Christmas Child for our fall community service project. Every shoebox shares the gospel and blesses children in need all around the world.

How to Pack Your Shoebox:
1. Decide if you will pack a shoebox for a boy or a girl and the age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14 years old. Select a "wow" toy such as a doll, stuffed animal, or soccer ball with a pump.
3. Fill the box with other fun small toys, personal hygiene items, and school supplies. Click here for gift suggestions. (Do NOT include toothpaste or candy due to increasing customs regulations).
4. Pray for the child who will receive your shoebox. You can even include a personal note, photo, or drawing. You can print out a suggested coloring sheet by clicking this link.
5. Be sure your shoebox can be closed completely and secured with a rubber band. Don't forget to attach the appropriate label so we know if your gift is for a boy or girl.

We will collect shoeboxes on November 3rd, 10th and 17th. If you will not be at church on one of these Sundays, you can take your shoebox to one of the drop-off locations available around Marietta during National Collection Week (November 18th - 25th). Please note: even though it occurs during National Collection Week, we will NOT collect shoeboxes on Sunday, November 24th.

You also have the option to build a shoebox online by clicking here.

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to Dec 25

Christmas Cards for Redeemer Christmas Tree

  • Google Calendar ICS

We need your help decking the halls! This year, we want to decorate our Christmas tree with photos of Redeemer's people! If you would like to participate, you can mail us your family's picture (or Christmas card) or drop it off in the basket in the lobby beginning November 17th. We'll add to our tree throughout the Advent season. Our mailing address is 531 Roselane Street NW, Suite 800, Marietta, GA 30060.

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11:00 AM11:00

Orphan Sunday

Orphan Sunday: Join us for a fun service project on Sunday, November 10th: Pajama Sunday! We invite the children and youth of Redeemer to come to church in their pajamas.

We will also collect donations on November 3rd and 10th for Ignite Hope, which will donate items to the local DFCS. Over the past year, they have noticed a change in primary needs, so this year, we will collect baby wipes and diapers (all sizes are needed— Newborn through 6T).

On Orphan Sunday/Stand Sunday, Christians around the globe celebrate the love of the God who “defends the cause of the fatherless” and calls us to do the same. On November 10th, the Church is reminded of this truth and invited to act upon it, through prayer and acts of service.

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7:00 PM19:00

Redeemer Women's Fellowship Event

Ladies of Redeemer, you're invited! On Wednesday, October 23rd, at 7 pm, we will gather at the church in Suite 830 for a special evening of fellowship, light snacks, and encouragement. A devotional will be shared, focusing on the power of uplifting each other.

We will also take part in a fun and meaningful craft project! Join us as we decorate rocks and placemats for "Table on Delk"—a ministry that serves vulnerable women along Delk Road. These decorated rocks, featuring encouraging words or Bible verses, will be scattered throughout the area as part of their Rocktober, a mission to bring hope and light to this community. This is a wonderful opportunity to share God's love in a tangible way. All materials will be provided. Let’s come together and spread encouragement!

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4:30 PM16:30


Our next Mix45 event for current 4th and 5th graders will be Wednesday, October 23rd, from 4:30 - 6 pm! The event will be at Bowlero Kennesaw and will be $30 per child (this includes unlimited bowling, dinner, shoes, and an arcade card). Please RSVP on our Students page here.

Mix45 is a quarterly fellowship for 4th and 5th graders to be together in a fun and exciting environment that allows them to begin to transition out of Redeemer Kids, get to know our student pastor, and meet a handful of older Redeemer Students.

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