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*Next Steps Vision Packet as a PDF.


  • BE WHO WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN. Resting and growing in the grace of God known in Jesus.

  • WELCOME THE NEXT PERSON. Create a more welcoming environment, with room for new people.

  • GIVE OUR CHILDREN JESUS. Capture the hearts of our children and students with the beauty of Jesus. Finish the children’s ministry area (classrooms, kids’ chapel, kids’ bathrooms)

  • BE OPEN TO GOD’S MOVE. We hold our plans loosely, leaving room for God to move. We move ahead desiring to pay off debt, renovate space for small group rooms, children’s ministry area, future sanctuary space, and the outdoor courtyard for children and fellowship.

  • EACH PERSON GIVES AS GOD CALLS. Every parishioner asks God what it means for them to share in the joy of giving to Jesus’ beautiful family.