Redeemer Silent Retreat 2024

Why a silent retreat?

In 1 Kings 19:11-13 Elijah experienced God, not in the noise of the wind, the chaos of the earthquake, or the raging fire, but in a still small voice.  Our lives are filled with so much stimulation!  While it may seem scary to commit to 2 days of quiet, there are tremendous benefits for your body and soul.  Unplugging from the world allows room for deeper connection with God and yourself.  Join us for our first Redeemer Silent Retreat August 16-18! For more information email pastor Matt Armstrong (

Where: Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, GA
When: Friday, August 16 (arrival between 3-5p) to Sunday, August 18, at noon

What happens at a silent retreat?

Expansive Time Away
Going away on silent retreat is accepting God’s invitation to a time and place set aside for your refreshment. It is a time where we are free to put down our busy schedules and give ourselves permission to just “be” with God. It’s a time to nap, journal, pray, reflect, and, most of all, encounter the God who has loved us from before the foundation of the world.

During the retreat (Friday afternoon to noon on Sunday) the following elements will be offered:

Group-Guided Spiritual Meditations. Each morning and evening, group-guided meditations are offered. You will remain in silence and listen to a Scripture text read followed by reflection questions. Art or music may be incorporated in the guided medium. These are called Lectio, Visio, or Musica Divina spiritual practices that facilitate listening to the Holy Spirit. You may want to bring a pen and your journal. These meditations are optional, but many experience the Holy Spirit powerfully through spoken word, art, or music.

Centering prayer will be offered on Saturday afternoon and is an opportunity to ground yourself with a time of silent, listening prayer in community.

Spiritual Direction is led by a trained Spiritual Director (SD). The 45-minute session is optional but is recommended for the retreat. Spiritual Direction is a place for the participant to process the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life with the SD. These directors hold a sacred space with no agenda. While it is understood that God is the true Spiritual Director, spiritual direction is a time of reflective conversation, silence, prayer, and spiritual practices to recognize and hear God’s movement, comfort, love, and call.

Time in nature. There are also nature trails to walk during the day.

Reserve your spot through paying at this link. Early bird pricing ($300) now available through the spring. Later in the year, spots will be full price ($350).